Faces from Myanmar in 2012

Face of statue of Buddha in Pagan, Burma (Myanmar).

Fisherman near U Bein bridge, near Mandalay, Myanmar.

A young Myanmar woman at the Shwezigone pagoda near Pyin Oo Lwin, in northern Myanmar.

A stallholder waits for business at Pwe Kauk Falls, a popular picnic place near Pyin OU Lwin in Burma (Myanmar).

Myanmar Buddhist monks wear maroon robes instead of the more familiar saffron ones.

Holidaymaker taking tablet photos at Shwezigone pagoda near Pyin Oo Lwin, northern Myanmar.

Myanmar woman

Myanmar woman wearing thanaka, a yellowish cosmetic paste made from ground bark

Woman and child in Hsipaw, northern Myanmar.

Kalaga (tapestry) maker in Mandalay.

Three cheerful old ladies in Yandabo, Myanmar.

Tour guide points out his ‘older brother’ at a temple in Bagan, Myanmar.

Woman and child in Su Paung Kyun village, near Mandalay, Myanmar.

Nuns in Myanmar wear pink robes.

Face of a stone carving in a Buddha workshop in Mandalay, Burma (Myanmar). This style of Buddha is destined for the Chinese market.